You are being asked to participate in a research study called Disability as Diversity: Reducing Researcher Roadblocks (D2/R3). Your participation is voluntary -- it is up to you whether you would like to participate. It is fine to say "no" now or at any time after you have started the study.
The researcher in charge of this project is called the Principal Investigator. Her name is Dr. Karen Bonuck. You can reach Dr. Bonuck at: 1300 Morris Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461, (718) 430-4085 For questions about the research study, or if you believe you have an injury, contact the Principal Investigator or the IRB. | The Institutional Review Board (IRB) of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine and Montefiore Medical Center has approved this research study. If you have questions regarding your rights as a research subject you may contact the IRB office at 718-430-2253, by e-mail at (, or by mail: Einstein IRB Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1300 Morris Park Ave, Belfer Bldg #1002, Bronx, New York 10461 |
Support for this research study is provided by the National Center for Advancing Translational Science. |
Why is this study being done? You are being asked to be in one part of the larger D2/R3 study. Briefly, the goal of D2/R3 is to increase the number of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (PWI/DD) in medical research studies. One way to do this is to understand and then reduce researcher roadblocks to their greater inclusion in studies.
Why am I being asked to participate? You are being asked to participate because your research involvement over the past 3 years is/has included:
- Areas involving any of the following: Alzheimer's/Dementia, Asthma, Diabetes, Epilepsy, Gastrointestinal, Heart Disease, Psychiatric, Obesity
- Roles in research including any or all of the following: conceptualization, grant-writing, literature review, patient recruitment, data analysis, instrument development
- Positions on research teams including any of the following: Research Assistant, Principal Investigator, Investigator, Project Manager/Study Coordinator
- Adult participants
- Areas of interest outside of PWI/DD
What will happen if I participate in the study? If you choose to participate in this study you will complete a one-time online survey. The survey is about factors that researchers may consider regarding if/whether/how they incorporate disability into their work. Please note a keyboard is required to complete the survey, therefore a computer/laptop must be used. You will be asked to provide contact information for a future focus group if you are interested. Immediately afterwards, you will receive the results of scored items (e.g. those with validated cut points.)
How many people will take part in the research study? You will be one of 200 research team members taking part in this study.
Will there be audio and/or video recording? No
Information Banking (Future Use and Storage) No Data is Stored. Information about you will be kept as long as required by regulations and institutional policy, but will not be used for future studies.
Will I be paid for being in this research study? After completing the survey, you can choose either to: a) Receive a $50 incentive in the form of an Amazon gift card (possibly two week wait) OR b) donate the $50 incentive to a non-profit through the Tremendous platform
Will it cost me anything to participate in this study? There will be no cost to you to participate in the study.
Are there any times you would not keep my data confidential? No
Are there any risks to me? We do not think there are any physical risks related to participating in this research study. You can choose not to answer any questions that make you feel uncomfortable. Individual scores (per above) will be provided once the online module is completed. This could lead to a bit of unease, as the anticipated outcomes might differ from the actual scores.
Are there possible benefits to me? You will not experience any direct benefits personally from participating in this study. We hope you will participate because the study will generate important information regarding inclusion of PWI/DD in research studies.
What choices do I have other than participating in this study? You can refuse to participate in this study.
Are there any consequences to me if I decide to stop participating in this study? No. If you decide to take part, you are free to stop participating at any time without giving a reason.
Can the study end my participation early? Your participation will end if the investigator or study sponsor stops the study earlier than expected.